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Book Request
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Parish News
St. Mary’s Parish will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary on Sunday, September 27, 2009. Archbishop Naumann will say a Mass of Thanksgiving at 11:00 a.m. followed by a dinner. The Parish is marking the celebration with the publication of an Anniversary Book.
“St. Mary’s Parish: A Proud Past -- A Future of Hope” is being finalized. This book will describe the lives of early pioneer settlers, lead you through their struggles to establish St. Mary’s Parish and then, to construct a church, and another and yet another and finally, in 1889 to 1893, to build one of the 8 Wonders of Art in Kansas -- beautiful St. Mary’s Church.
This book will also contain photos of nearly all former pastors and other religious serving St. Mary’s Parish. It describes the work of early parishioners, their struggles and triumphs. It describes the huge undertaking of the Restoration of the church interior in 1980-1983. It includes photographs of the many groups and committees who serve the parish today.
But what will be most unique are photos taken of present parishioners and their families. Some are at work in their yards, others may be leaning up against a combine tire. These photos are unique in that they will be printed in larger format with each page devoted to one family or parishioner.
Another section of the book will feature color photos of present St. Mary’s Church. Words do not describe the beauty of this place which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is also a Kansas Historic Site. The book will have approximately 220 pages.
What’s the cost?
The cost is projected to be $40 each. The book will be hard cover bound with a dust cover.
How to reserve books?
To reserve copies, download and complete the “
Book Reservation Form
” and mail it to the address on the reverse side. Or, you may also reserve books through
this link
. Payment is not requested until the books are delivered or shipped to you. Also, if you attend Mass at St. Mary’s Church, you may place the complete “Book Reservation Form” in the Sunday collection basket. Requests for books should be submitted by August 1, 2009 to assist in providing an estimate of the number of copies to be printed. The books will be available on the day of the Celebration, September 27, 2009, or for pickup after that day.
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