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Saturday, June 29, 2002/Categories: Parish News
Father Owen Purcell, Pastor, congratulates young Sierra Bergman on being the winner of the lodge quilt. Proceeds of nearly $800 from the raffle will go towards educational needs of two teenagers in Mineiros, Gioas, Brazil. Father will present this to them during his visit there in January.
Sierra Bergman, daughter of Erin Bergman, is the lucky winner of the Lodge Quilt. The drawing at the close of Mass, Saturday, Dec. 15, marked the end of a successful ticket sales effort by St. Mary's Parish CYO members and others. Proceeds from the quilt raffle of nearly $800 will go towards the educational needs of two teenagers in Meinerois, Goias, Brazil. These two young people were adopted through the Christian Foundation for Children in Kansas City. The support for these young people was initiated as a result of the fourth annual Kelly Youth Rally. Father Owen thanks all those who worked on the project - from the donation of the quilt to all those who supported the quilt raffle with ticket purchases and ticket sales. Father Owen will be visiting Brazil in January. While there, Father will visit the children -- Juvino Pereira De Amorim Neto and Luciano De Jesus MartinsDosSantos and their families. Father will make the presentation to Juvino and Luciano. Father will have photographs taken to help establish a Nemaha County connection. Photographs and articles on Father's trip will be posted here. Congratulations again to Sierra Bergman, winner of the quilt -- and to all who supported the project with ticket purchases.
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